There are a lot of factors to consider when selecting a nutrition book. It’s important to find something written by a reputable source, that educates you in an interesting way, and that meets you nutritionally where you are. To help our clients get started with better health, we tapped dietetics experts to share their go-to, best books on nutrition and diet. Information-focused books on nutrition and diet can act as guides to help you make changes on your own. An Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson, Angel Planells, M.S., R.D.N., advises you to ask yourself whether the book you’re considering will help you learn. The books he selects (more on that below) do just that and make you want to explore further and learn more.

Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach

This book, by two registered dietitians, offers the best approach to nutrition from an anti-diet perspective for those who feel defeated by all diets. Those who want to heal their relationship with food will love this book, which honors books on nutrition and diet through very specific steps and reflections. “This is a great book for anyone who may not have the best relationship with food and/or has experienced a frequent cycle of chronic dieting,” says Andrea Mathis, M.A., R.D.N., L.D., a registered dietitian based in Alabama and author of The Complete Book of Smoothies.

The MIND Diet books on nutrition and diet

According to research, the MIND diet, which combines the Mediterranean and DASH diets, can be incredibly effective at reducing Alzheimer’s disease risk. Those seeking to learn more about this brain-boosting diet can read The MIND Diet by registered dietitian Maggie Moon, M.S., R.D., which includes easy-to-follow recipes, such as tango fish tacos, sweet potato lentil soup, and banana chocolate cookies.

Eat What You Love Diabetes Cookbook

The Eat What You Love Diabetes Cookbook by registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Lori Zanini, R.D., C.D.E. is the perfect cookbook for insulin-dependent diabetics seeking healthy choices while managing blood sugar. This book is especially helpful for visual learners since Zanini includes icons that show which macronutrients particular foods represent, making diabetes management as easy and delicious as ever.

The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition

There is more to nutrition than just losing weight. To reach your goals and keep your body nourished, you need to fuel your body adequately, especially as an athlete. It is for this reason that Rachael Hartley, R.D., L.D. recommends Gentle Nutrition: A Non-Diet Approach to Healthy Eating. With calculations, explanations, and advice specific to each athlete’s needs, each page helps athletes determine their specific nutritional needs based on factors like their age, goals, and activity levels.

books on nutrition and diet

She recommends her own book to people looking to lose weight for good with real food and rid themselves of guilt around food. By learning the why behind your food choices, you can heal your relationship with food and your body and stop dieting forever, she says. By breaking down your personal roadblocks, Langer puts an end to dieting for good and empowers you to make more healthful choices.