Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is a vital trait for personal and professional growth. It’s the skill of being aware of and appropriately reacting to one’s own and other people’s emotional states. to the emotions of others. It’s the skill of being aware of and appropriately reacting to one’s own and other people’s emotional states. People with high levels of emotional intelligence tend to have stronger interpersonal relationships, as they are able to communicate effectively, build rapport, and navigate conflicts with greater ease.


How do you define emotional intelligence?

The ability to read and manage one’s emotions, or EQ, is becoming more and more valuable in the modern workplace. With the rise of automation and AI, the ability to connect with others on an emotional level is becoming a key differentiator in the workplace. EQ is also essential for healthy relationships, both personal and professional.

According to doctors, people with high EQ can accurately read emotional cues and respond appropriately. They can effectively resolve disagreements and forge lasting bonds with others.


What are the features of emotional intelligence?

The five most important aspects of EI are as follows:

1. Knowing yourself

To be self-aware is to understand and be in touch with one’s own feelings. People with heightened emotional or social awareness do not let their emotions control them and instead rely on their intuition.

2. Self-control

Emotional and impulsive behavior management is what we call self-regulation. It suggests that you consider your actions carefully and do not react emotionally under pressure.

3. Motivation

Motivation stimulates productivity and effectiveness. When your EI is greater, you will feel more empathy for others.

4. Kindness

Empathy is the ability to understand and share others’ feelings. Particularly, empathy prevents you from making snap judgments or succumbing to stereotypes.

5. Social skills

This includes the ability to communicate effectively, build and maintain positive relationships, work collaboratively, and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

Overall, emotional intelligence is a set of skills that allow individuals to manage their own emotions and relationships effectively, and to navigate the complexities of social interactions in a positive and productive way.


Emotional intelligence: How to boost it

Emotional intelligence is a critical component of successful interpersonal relationships, both in personal and professional settings. Here are some strategies to enhance your emotional intelligence.

1. Adopt an assertive mode of speech

Adopting an assertive mode of speech is important to develop a communication style that strikes a balance between being too aggressive and too passive. Emotional intelligence comes into play when communicating your opinions openly and honestly while maintaining respect for others.

2. Pay close attention to your conduct.

It is also essential to pay close attention to your behavior and observe how specific emotions affect your daily life. Once you become more aware of how you react to your emotions, managing them becomes less challenging.

3. Instead of reacting to conflict, respond to it

Another important aspect of emotional intelligence is responding to conflicts rather than reacting to them. Emotionally intelligent individuals can maintain composure in stressful situations and make deliberate efforts to resolve conflicts without making rash decisions that could worsen the situation.

4. Make it a habit to listen attentively

Active listening is also a key element of emotional intelligence. It involves paying close attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues, which allows for better communication and relationship-building.

5. Record your emotions throughout the day

Recording your emotions throughout the day is also helpful in identifying emotional patterns and gaining a better understanding of your own emotional responses.

6. Be flexible with feedback and criticism

Being open to feedback and criticism is crucial to emotional intelligence. People who are emotionally intelligent are receptive to hearing and analyzing the feedback of others, even if they may not agree with it. It helps to avoid blind spots and determine if your actions are producing the desired results.

7. Take time to appreciate the good

Taking time to appreciate the good is an essential aspect of emotional intelligence. Celebrating and reflecting on life’s positive moments is vital for mental and emotional well-being. People who encounter positive emotions are typically stronger and more likely to have satisfying relationships, which will aid them in overcoming obstacles.

8. Improve your social skills

Improving your social skills is a key element of enhancing emotional intelligence. Social skills involve the application of emotional intelligence in the workplace. Once you have a firm grasp on your own emotions and those of others, you can use this level of social awareness to improve your communication and collaboration, leading to more successful outcomes.


Emotional intelligence fact file

  • People with high emotional intelligence tend to have better mental health and higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction.
  • Emotional intelligence can be contagious, meaning that when one person displays emotionally intelligent behavior, it can positively influence those around them.
  • Dogs are known for their emotional intelligence, as they are able to sense and respond to the emotions of their owners.
  • Emotional intelligence has been linked to better decision-making, as individuals who are emotionally intelligent are better able to consider the emotions and perspectives of others when making decisions.



In order to succeed in our personal and professional lives, emotional intelligence is crucial. By being aware of our own emotions and being able to understand and relate to the emotions of others, we can improve our relationships and accomplish our goals. With practice and consultation from a psychiatrist, anyone can develop and improve their emotional intelligence skills.



1. Can emotional intelligence be developed?

Yes, emotional intelligence is a set of skills and behaviors that can be acquired and improved through practice and dedication.

2. What is the significance of EQ?

Emotional intelligence allows individuals to manage their own behaviors and navigate challenges with the best possible outcomes for themselves and their relationships in mind, even when emotions are present.

3. What gives emotional intelligence its name?

Emotional intelligence is named for its capacity to monitor and understand both one’s own emotions and the emotions of others, and to use this information to guide thoughts and behaviors.